to easily calculate sales and VAT tax for your products.mp4?dl=0

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How To Charge Sales Tax For Digital Products

Charge Online Sales Tax Automatically with SamCart

Built In Sales Tax with SamCart

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Selling goods online is changing. What used to be the Wild West is slowly becoming a normal part of every day life. And with that, comes big changes for online sellers.

I’m Scott Moran, the co-founder of SamCart, the fastest growing ECommerce platform online, and I’m here to announce an exciting new update: built in Sales Tax.

In 1997, The Internet Tax Freedom act protected just about any goods + services sold over the World Wide Web from needing to be taxed. But over the last decade, all of that has changed.

With Ecommerce taking up a larger and larger piece of where we all spend our money, it is no surprise that governments around the world have started to introduce legislation requiring online sellers to pay the piper.

Slowly but surely, different states across the US have extended taxes to include digital goods and services with rates between 1 and 7%. Member States in the European Union all have the abide within the European Union’s Value-Added Tax, with rates between 17 and 27 percent. Australia charges a 10% tax on digital sales, but only after you meet a certain threshold in sales. In Canada, it gets even more confusing, where some provinces charge a tax on digital goods while others don’t.

For sellers like us, who sell online with customers all over the world, the “Big Ugly Tax” question feels like a minefield. What rates do I charge? Are certain products exempt? Am I collecting the right information? What happens when one country changes their rates? How do I report all of this to the government?

All we are trying to do is sell our stuff, stay in compliance, and avoid getting some massive bill from the government at the end of the year.

Well thankfully, that’s where SamCart comes in!

Now built in to your SamCart account is automatic Sales Tax Calculation. So you can let us, the full service Ecommerce platform, manage all of this for you + get back to growing your business!

All you need to do is turn on Sales Tax, and tell us where you are selling from. You can decide which products collect sales tax, and which don’t. When visitors hit your sales page, SamCart will judge wether each customer requires sales tax automatically.

And SamCart will stay perfectly up to date with these shifting new regulations, so you never have to worry about shelling out some big tax check because of changing rates or new laws around the world.

SamCart also stores all of your tax data into one simple report. Every order, every customer, and every penny accounted for. So you have all the evidence you need when Tax Time rolls around.

SamCart’s sales tax covers one time payments, payment plans, yearly subscriptions, free trials, and everything in between. So wether you’re selling an online course, access to a software, or billing clients for online services…you’re covered.

Sales Taxes might not be the sexiest feature to talk about, but when it comes to protecting your business, it is incredibly important. That’s why Sales Tax is now available on each of our current plans, at no extra cost to you.