SamCart Courses VSL

There were two versions of the VSL for this promo. The full length VSL used during the intial launch promotion... VSL_2022_JA_CUT6.mp4?dl=0

And the “mini” VSL, which was used after the promo ended to deliver a shorter sales video after the intial 3-part video launch was over... Course VSL_2021_JA_CUT2.mp4?dl=0

SamCart Courses Video #3: The Demo Demo_2021_JA_CUT4.mp4?dl=0

This is the script for “Video 3” of the Courses App launch. A 4-5 min demo designed to hype people up about what courses can do, and what it can do for them.

Unlimited Courses and students

SamCart’s ECommerce features

Auto-Enroll technology

Students get exactly what they buy, every single time.

Students can one click purchase more stuff, ecommerce comes to course delivery




Course Cross Sell

Student Import