Link to Digital Wallet Announcement Video


Safety + security for your users

Speed of checkout, lowers abandonment

1 Step checkout = Never account signup, never take 5 clicks to get to the checkout,

So wether your users are on iPhone or Android, a laptop or a tablet, you can make buying even easier by adding Digital Wallets.

Apple Pay = Touch ID and buy

Google Pay =

Video Script

Hey it’s Brian, from SamCart!

Here in our office, we spend all day working on new ways to help you convert more visitors into paying customers. Features like easily removing checkout fields you don’t need, mobile-ready checkout fields, and beautiful single-page designs help you capture more buyers, and cut down on the cart abandonment that is costing you sales.

And today, we are extremely excited to announce the addition of Digital Wallets! With just a few clicks, you can now add Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Microsoft Pay to all of your SamCart sales pages.

So that the next time someone wants to buy your product, they can can do it faster than ever. Just confirm with Touch ID, and they’re done.

Shortening the buying process is an enormous win! In fact, the SamCart Database proves that just removing the Shipping Address fields from your checkout boosts conversion by 13.4%! And if you remove Billing Address too, that number goes up to 35.1%!

Every extra step, every extra click you have is costing you sales. In fact, a study of why people abandon their purchase by the Baymard Institute found out that a whopping 35% of e-commerce buyers leave a site if they have to create an account before ordering. 27% say they leave if the checkout process is too long of complicated.

So it’s pretty simple…simplify your checkout flow if you want to make more sales. And offering Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Microsoft Pay with SamCart is the newest way to do that!