Dropbox Folder with All Ad Videos/Images >> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/18sp7m604wcg0q1tczdra/h?rlkey=ebuldrkwzepvuhplo5c2zsli4&dl=0
*Focus on the images, and the thumbnail images for the video ads
Body Copy + Headlines + Preview Text
Innovation Ad and Social Database
Who it’s for? What it’s about? Why it’s different
Let’s assemble the building blocks... the ingredients for our recipe.
What label would they identify with?
What are the pain points of your prospect?
What benefit are they seeking?
What’s the “benefit behind the benefit”?
What objections do they have?
How is your solution better / unique?
What about your angle is controversial / counter-intuitive, or curiosity-provoking.
How have they tried before and failed?
You’ll need to make strategic decisions on what to include / leave out. What’s most important to include in your recipe?
YouTube Video Scripts