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You know adding Apple Pay to your checkout process boosts sales by an average of 28%? Because making it easy to buy, and buy more…is a huge advantage.

I’m Scott Moran, the co-founder here at SamCart, the fastest growing ecommerce platform online, and if you want to win in 2021 + beyond, you need to make it as easy as possible for your customers to buy….and then buy more.

That’s why SamCart pages get rid of distractions, and follow our signature “single-page” design. It’s why we let sellers add multiple order bumps, where customers can add other products to their order with a simple checkbox. It’s why we offer true one click upsells, and downsells. So just like buying from Amazon, customers have their card stored on file, and can make extra purchases with just one single click.

If you want to grow your bottom line, make it easy for people to buy, make it easy for people to spend more, and make it easy for people to come back and buy again.

And when it comes to helping people buy again and again, there’s no better tool then SamCart’s new Add to Order.

When someone places an order, SamCart stores their payment information on file. So you can go into your account, open their order, and use their card on file to purchase other products anytime you need it.

Just pick any of your products from the box on the left, and once you add them to the right, you can choose the quantity, add a coupon code to this brand new charge, and then run the customer’s card on file right there on the spot!

So you can start reaching out to your customers about other products and services you have available, and use SamCart’s Add to Order feature to drive those sweet sweet repeat sales, without your customer ever even needing to open their laptop.

This Add to Order feature works wether your customer purchased with credit card, paypal, or even digital wallets like Apple Pay. Add to Order is available on every SamCart plan, so you can start driving more repeat sales today.

No matter what type of business you have, reach out to your customers a few days after they complete an order. Let them know about what else you have for sale, and be sure to include a sweet discount or a free gift if they are ready to place an order now.

With Add to Order, all you need is the customer to say “Ya, let’s do it!”. And you can go into SamCart, and charge them for the new product or service right there on the spot.

Now that you know this button is sitting there, waiting to make you more money, here’s 5 ways you can use Add to Order to start driving more revenue in the door…

1: Add to Order is the most popular feature among SamCart’s service brands. We’ve talked about the perfect way to sell more services in another video, so we’ll link to that in the corner here now if you want to go watch that.

But imagine how easy it would be to close new clients if you could use Add to Order right there on the phone! So you can hop on your discovery calls, sell your service packages, and all you need is for them to say, “Let’s do it!”…and Add to Order takes care of the billing right away.

Make it easier for your clients to buy, and close more clients.

2: Any physical product sellers, especially those with products that run out like food, health supplements, cleaning supplies…you should have calendar reminders set so you know when a customer is about to run out of their product.

Shoot an email, or even hop on the phone, and use Add to Order to let them easily make a new purchase, and grow your bottom line.

3: Software sellers, let customers upgrade their plan to add new features, switch over to yearly billing, or add extra licenses easier than ever.